Weekly Updates
Dear Kiwanians,
Here’s hoping you are all enjoying your holidays!
Please see below. We have a new location for meeting, getting back to our roots in (Up)town Toledo! We are looking forward to seeing more members in attendance.
Special thanks to President Rick and Billy Mann for securing.
This takes effect with our first meeting of the new year - next Wednesday, January 5th, 2022.
Begin forwarded message:
From: Rick Mann
Subject: Kiwanis Lands on Manhattan’s!!
Good afternoon all.
I spoke with Elizabeth at Manhattan’s today and made standing reservations for Kiwanis to meet there, free of charge, on the first and third Wednesday of each month for the next 6 months, with the option to extend indefinitely.
If it turns out that we are not satisfied with Manhattan’s, we can choose to cancel our reservations at any time.
Our hope is that, by choosing a restaurant closer to downtown, we will continue to grow our attendance numbers.
As I mentioned, they are waiving the $30.00 room charge and we would be ordering individually from their regular menu.
The address is 1516 Adams Street and there is plenty of free parking available across the street from the restaurant.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me.
Yours in Kiwanis,
Quarter President Rick
Goody Bag shopping at Sam’s/Spring Meadows in one half hour!
Tuesday, December 14th- meet in a second floor classroom at Sherman at 3:30 to put together the goody bags for the students. (Enter front door. Masks are required.) Either Ms. Jvann or Mrs. Kelli will then accompany us to each classroom to deliver the goody bags for distribution on December 15th. Kiwanis cheer to follow for those interested.
Wednesday, December 15th- meet at 11:15 in the cafeteria at Sherman- Kiwanis members wishing to help serve the pizza to the students.(Enter front door. Masks are required.) Last lunch period is 12:50. Sometime in between these times Kiwanis members can eat their pizza! Billy has said we can use a portion of the BG Club if we want to eat our pizza separately from the students.
Hi all,
We meet tomorrow (Wednesday) at Scramblers on Central Avenue.
December Birthdays (no anniversaries)
13th - Lucky Langendorfer
We will be discussing our holiday plans for Sherman School.
Next Wednesday is the board meeting at Scrambler’s on Secor Road.
Happy Wednesday.
Wow - what a great week it’s been for Kiwanis!
We celebrate three more birthdays this week - yesterday George Wilson turned 90+. Way to go George. Tomorrow is Charles Ide’s Thanksgiving birthday. The 28th is Rick Mann’s birthday.
We welcome Jordan Neipp to this thread. She joined us last week at our meeting and wants to become a member, even after President Michael’s dad joke and our singing “You are my Turkey” to the tune of You are my Sunshine (sung in the middle of the restaurant). Jordan is with Premier Bank.
Greg Loeb did a fantastic job in securing all the food items needed for our Kiwanis basket stuffing - not an easy feat in lieu of quantity restrictions, etc. We met at Brian Miller’s home to put the baskets (which Rick Mann generously donated) together. Then on to the most important park of the event - soups and pies by Paul. They were delicious as always. Several Kiwanians then delivered the prepared baskets to Equality Toledo. Many thanks to Brian and Paul for opening their home to us. Pictures attached…
This came to me from Will Krosky - Congratulations Larry (Schmakel) on your induction to The Toledo Ability Center’s Hall of Fame for Active Civic and Community Leader for your dedication to generations of students and alumni of The University of Toledo as you are shown receiving the award at the Ability Center’s centennial of service celebration. Well Done Larry. Well Done ?!
December’s schedule (subject to change) is as follows:
1st - Meeting at Scrambler’s on Central
8th - Board Meeting at Scrambler’s on Secor Road
15th - Sherman School Pizza Party. We will supply pizza and goodie bags for the entire school. We will hold our meeting there as well. More information on that to follow…
Hello Kiwanians,
Our regular club meeting will be held tomorrow, Wednesday November 17th, noon, at the Scrambler's Restaurant at 6819 Central Avenue location. We will not be in the regular meeting space, but there is a designated area toward the back.
November Birthdays
19th - Keith Meyer
23rd - George Wilson
25th - Charles Ide
28th - Rick Mann
November Anniversaries
23rd - Dave and Lisa Wehrmeister
24th - Alex and Rose Mary McLean
Thanksgiving Baskets are a go!
On November 20th we will assemble 20 baskets for Equality Toledo and have soups and pies at the home of Brian and Paul. (2040 Robinwood)
This from Greg:
We are all set for Saturday for the baskets for Meijer. We can meet at Meijer @ 1500 E Alexis Road at 9AM Saturday. Just look for me up in the front of the store. For those of you that have helped before we will use a register up front to ring it all out and load everything up front (like we had done in the past at the other Meijer location) I believe and then drive around back for the turkeys.
Greg will bring a hat to the meeting tomorrow to pass for donations…
See you tomorrow.