Goody Bag shopping at Sam’s/Spring Meadows in one half hour!
Tuesday, December 14th- meet in a second floor classroom at Sherman at 3:30 to put together the goody bags for the students. (Enter front door. Masks are required.) Either Ms. Jvann or Mrs. Kelli will then accompany us to each classroom to deliver the goody bags for distribution on December 15th. Kiwanis cheer to follow for those interested.
Wednesday, December 15th- meet at 11:15 in the cafeteria at Sherman- Kiwanis members wishing to help serve the pizza to the students.(Enter front door. Masks are required.) Last lunch period is 12:50. Sometime in between these times Kiwanis members can eat their pizza! Billy has said we can use a portion of the BG Club if we want to eat our pizza separately from the students.